Welcome to the RESET Toolbox
A collection of no-cost trainings and resources to build resilience

The RESET Toolbox
COVID-19 has exponentially increased the mental health needs of children and teens in our community.
Thanks to the funding through Orange County Health Care Agency, Western Youth Services (WYS) is able to collaborate with CHOC and Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) to provide a three-tiered approach to a Mental Health Toolbox.
Our online toolbox will buffer the ongoing effects of COVID-19, social isolation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), toxic stress, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (including racism), etc. ideally to help participants build resilience and be emotionally equipped to succeed during and after COVID-19.
Resilience Toolbox for Families, Schools & Communities
The RESET Toolbox is full of resources to minimize anxiety and build resilience in children and teens. Parents, educators, school/district administrators, students, community members, youth-serving organizations, and collaborative agencies will learn how to help kids and teens cope with stress including social isolation.
Our collective goal is to help children and teens in Orange County, California overcome the challenges brought on by COVID-19 and other adversity that they may be facing. The outcomes we’re working to achieve are:
- Students apply new social-emotional skills that lead to increased classroom engagement, whether virtual, hybrid, or in-person.
- Staff from schools and youth-serving agencies are supported and empowered to create welcoming and emotionally safe school environments when in-person school resumes.
- Families learn how to access mental health services available to them and feel confident in the support.
- Families, educators, school administrators, and community partners support and improve academic achievement and resilience by addressing students’ social-emotional needs.
The RESET Toolbox is free of cost to all residents of Orange County, California.
Navigating the RESET Toolbox
We asked what was needed and then we rolled up our sleeves and curated resources and trainings from our collaborative partners in Orange County and beyond to fill the Toolbox.
The content in the RESET Toolbox has FOUR different areas.
- RESET Partner Trainings & Resources: Both CHOC and OCDE have provided trainings and we’ve purchased licenses for other programs on cyber-safety, technology trainings for parents/caregivers, building resilience, relationship building, conflict resolution and so much more.
- WYS RESET LIVE-Virtual Trainings on Zoom: Western Youth Services, along with five local area partners, formed the Behavioral Health Training Collaborative (BHTC), we’re offering these trainings as part of the RESET Toolbox.One of the many benefits of working as a collaborative is the ability to provide a wide range of topics. Some of the topics include: Bullying Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Multi-Cultural Mental Health Training, Coping with COVID-19, Improving Family Communications, and so much more.
- WYS RESET Self-Paced Trainings:
- We’ve created a self-paced library of some of our most requested trainings on the topics of mental health, mindfulness, coping skills, and more.
- Ready Set Resilience is a new series of brief video lessons on mindfulness geared for middle-school aged students.
- RESET Resources: We’ve gathered 100s of our favorite resources that are easy to find and easy to use.
All content in the RESET Toolbox is available at no cost to residents of Orange County, California. It’s all here for YOU!
RESET Partners
Each of the RESET partners is an established organization. Many of the trainings are provided by entities in Orange County with a focus on children’s well-being. By pooling our resources, knowledge base, and relationships together, we can do so much more than individually.
Please sign-up below to stay connected and learn about upcoming events and new additions to our RESET Toolbox that are coming soon. Connect on social media too!
If you believe that you or a loved one is currently at high-risk, call 911 or immediately transport them to a hospital. Do not attempt to access emergency mental health care through this website.