Below you can learn more about Tilly’s Life Center and their contributions to the RESET Toolbox. While these trainings are no longer available through the RESET Toolbox, you can find more information about their current services at https://tillyslifecenter.org/.
Tilly’s Life Center (TLC) takes a proactive and preventive approach to the growing social and emotional crises affecting teens today. Our curriculum assists teens in developing confidence, learning compassion, and acquiring the skills needed to make difficult decisions when they need it most.
In response to the COVID-19 mandated distance learning, TLC has adapted our onsite program to a highly interactive live virtual experience. TLC has already integrated virtual classes into many of our partnered high schools and youth organizations across Southern California, with great success. And when schools do return to in-person learning, we’ll train you to facilitate the program as you return to campus.
We’re excited to include our trainings for teachers and for teens in the RESET Toolbox.
Contributions to the RESET Toolbox:
- Social and Emotional Learning – “I Am Me” Virtual Program Lessons 1-25
- Train the Trainer for SEL Curriculum – “I Am Me” Program Training the Trainer
We are so grateful for Tilly’s Life Center and their benevolent contributions to the RESET Toolbox. The resources and trainings that they provided have created an impact in the lives of many in the Orange County Community. With the support of Tilly’s Life Center, the Orange County Health Care Agency and our other partners, we have been able to serve and support thousands through the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.
If you believe that you or a loved one is currently at high-risk, call 911 or immediately transport them to a hospital. Do not attempt to access emergency mental health care through this website.